Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It seems the holidays come and go so fast! I was a little sad with the weather this year...it was my 'turn' to host the Preister Christmas at our house for the first time!!! I even went as far as making a homemade New York Cheesecake (which am sad to say I ate most of it!) But, I was very thankful I was 'stranded' with my boys!!! On Christmas Eve my dad and Jody were able to make it for a very quick supper and they of course had to stay while Braxton opened a few gifts from them!!! They were crazy for coming in this weather, but we were very thankful they came!:) On Christmas day we managed to make it to Brad's parents...did I mention thru a field is how we got home?!?!?!? Although they only live 2 short blocks away, there was a massive drift that caused us to go a mile or 2 out of our way...but we made it for a nice lunch, presents, and some play time. Luckily we ventured home when we did...you see, we lost power from 8pm til 8am, which is NOTHING compared to how long some were out...but, lucky once again, we have our wood burner that kept our house to a whooping 73 degrees!!! We spent most of Saturday playing with A LOT of new toys Santa brought us...and Sunday was a major snow removal day for I believe the entire town of Lindsay!!! We hope everyone had a great holiday, and Best Wishes for 2010!!!
Braxton won a stocking full of goodies from the Newman Grove Bank!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for making it over!!!...and THANKS for my presents!
Playing with his little people fire truck and blocks from Gma and Gpa P!
He was pretty excited about his new tooth brush!!! Which is coming in handy since he got his top left front tooth!!!
This little monkey thinks he needs to stand as he does everything!!!
Another new toy from Santa! Good thing this one is meant to walk behind!
The 3 of us...
One of his favorite new toys from Santa!
he is pretty proud of his new wagon from Gpa and Gma P...we take many rides thru the house daily...if you ever want a ride, stop by!
little cutie!
some of the snow drifts at our shop..if you can see off into the distance, the old tow truck is buried to the cab!!!
..another drift blocking the shop door...
...another wagon ride!!!
...and he is OUT!!!
Thanks Jesse for my hats...GO HUSKERS!!!!!!!!!!!
So exhausted...this is how he fell asleep on daddy!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
So much to tell about!!! The last few weeks at the Busselman household has been a little rough...Braxton had the roto-virus, then I (amanda) got sick, and now Brad is sick. We are just praying that Braxton doesn't get it back!!! Forgive me for the pictures I'm sharing with you are not in order of events...I think there are a lot of new faces taking pictures with Braxton!
Daddy was eating a cookie, and Braxton reached for a chunk and put is straight to his mouth...does that count as his 'first' cookie?!?!?
Brad was showing him what snow was...but he was more interested in seeing outside!!!
and here it starts!!! Looks like someone found the Christmas tree! Thank goodness for shatterproof bulbs!!!
At the Preister Christmas with Great Grandma(Preister-now Louis) and Great Grandpa
daddy, Braxton, and mommy @ Preister Christmas
Getting ready to leave Christmas...but not without a picture with Gma and Gpa P!
One of these times he is going to learn how to fold laundry!!
Looks a little uncertain of "unlce Lyle" :) ...shortly after this photo Braxton broke down into tears...sorry Lyle!--if you visit more often he won't be scared! Actually, I think it's the hat...hats seems to frighten him.
Gramma Debbie came over to see me!
...and so did Grandpa Bob! Gramma Jody didn't get in the picture..sorry!
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