An update from the Busselman's...
*So, after Braxton's Big Ol #2 Birthday...we are rearranging our 'not-so-big' house to make room for all the awesome toys we got!!!!! It was so sad when we went to put the basketball hoop together, we realized the yellow hoop ring thing was, a quick trip to Norfolk and we are all set with a new one with all the parts!!! He realized he wasn't tall enough, so he found his own way of making a basket! Little smartie!
Braxton is still in his crib at the age of 2...He has never attempted to crawl out, or even shown interest of doing so. When he wakes up, he just yells for 'daddy' or 'mommy I up', until he crawls out, we plan to keep him in there..hope he isn't 10 and still in there--haha
He was pretty excited to sleep on the couch in the camper! He did great! We were a little questionable about him falling off, and yep, good thing we put cushions down! About 4am, THUMP...didn't wake him to fall, but it woke mom! Why is it that mom's hear EVERYTHING and WORRY about EVERYTHING!?!?
*So, Saturday we rode bikes, walked, played tractors, ball, everthing else that summer brings, we even got the smore's out! Mmm:)
When it was time to come home, Braxton was so sad. He wanted to stay. We are so excited for our upcoming camping trips!!!
Lil man & me on Mother's Day after going to graduations...what a busy weekend!
*It has been so busy lately going and because of this, we are in the van a lot. Braxton has been so funny to ride with! We were heading home yesterday after meeting new baby Justine, and when Brad turned the corner, Braxton says, "No guys, not that way" he pointed the opposite way and told Brad, "go that way daddy". His new favorite phrase all week has been, "hey guys", or "no guys", "listen guys", "GUYS" is the new word!:)
*I can't wait to post a picture of Braxton's new haircut! It only took, Grandpa B, Grandma B, Daddy, Cousin Kenna & Cousin Carson to entertain him while I CHOPPED away!!! He used to sit so great, then...he turned 2...enough said:)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*HAPPY WEEK to All!!!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-