Friday, May 18, 2012

hEy! HeY! hEY!!!

For awhile now, we have been at the "hey why" stage around our place!  Brad and I always laugh at our responses to some of his questions...others we look confused and not sure how to answer...
For instance:
"hey mom, why don't you have a pee pee like me and daddy??"

Let me's not that I strut around naked in front of my child, but what mom out there actually gets to use the bathroom without little ones barging in?!?! Let's get real!!!
Yesterday, as we were driving, Braxton sees a cop..and WOW did the questions roll!!
"hey mom, did you see that cop?!"
"hey mom, I don't like cops cuz they are bad"
I explained to him that cops aren't bad guys..and that cops arrest bad guys.
"hey mom, will they take you to jail?"
no!!  Only if you are naughty and don't listen to your mommy and daddy :)
"hey mom, I want the cops to pull you over and then come to my house to see my new bed"
???O child of mine!!!
"hey mom, I want to be a bad cop okay?!"
Oh Braxton!
"hey mom, I'm gunna be a bad guy and the cops will get me and take me to jail, okay mom?!"
So, you all remember this someday....I PRAY he is a good boy:) 
I had so much fun running errands with Braxton..he really is my memory! We were driving away and he reminds me of Brad's glasses that we were supposed to drop off...
Later, he asks me if we are going back to 'the target' to get Calli her present...CRAP! YES!
I just love how he calls it, 'The Target'
We obviously keep our child up too late because we have been hearing a lot lately, 'Mom, can I go take a nap now?" Oops!
Having a 3 year old at our house is SOOO fun, and challenging at the same time.  He is just starting with the talking back...oh fun times yet to come!
Everyday is a FUN day at our house,reguardless of the late nights, early mornings, and attitudes:)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy belated Mother's Day!!! 
Story of my life...I'm a little late with this Mother' Day wish for all you wonderful Moms out there! I hope you had a FANTASTIC day!!!
Brad, Braxton, and I took off for our first camping trip in 2012!! We went to Pierce and had SOOO much F*U*N!!! 
I had a wedding party to do hair for Saturday, so while I did that, the boys got to go fishing with Braxton's Buddy, Gene Werner!  They each caught a fish, that we later enjoyed for supper:)  It is so cute hearing Braxton repeat things he hears...he told an older gentleman that he caught a wool-eye, and a cwop-eee.  After we told him the correct pronunciation he giggled and now says it right.  I almost think it's cuter to not correct him sometimes;)
 I don't even recall what Brad was pointing at as I took this picture, but I love it!!!
 This little turkey was chasing me around the boat with a minow..and YES, I was freaked out by it!  Braxton thoroughly enjoyed teasing me!!!
 My boyz:)
 Roasting/burning the marshmallows:)  Braxton later decided he would just eat the candy bars instead!  Just like Grandpa Bob I hear;)
 Braxton has all Brad's toys from 30+ years ago...and look at this adorable field he disced up!!!
Captain Braxton
Happy Mother's Day to  me.....Look at them cute little chubby cheeks that his life jacket is pushing up!  He fell asleep about 30 mins into fishing Sunday! 
Braxton gave me the sweetest flower he made at school, and a very funny card...
Thanks boyz for a special Mother's Day!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


 6 years ago we stood together at this altar and said our vows infront of many family and friends... I never expected so many great memories in only 6 years...I LOVE YOU Brad!
 Ahhhh!!!!  Summer fun in the sprinkler begins!  Braxton was having so much fun in here, Brad came home from work to join him!!!
 ...Braxton said, "I think this is from me mommy, but I wonder how I got it here??!!!"
Mowing with Grandpa Bob!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HAPPY MAY DAYBraxton and I were "sneeky" this morning leaving May Day surprises on our neighbors' door steps...he thought we were pretty cool:)