Sunday, October 27, 2013

October busy-ness!!

Brad went with some friends to the husker game this weekend in Minnesota!!(jealous!)  I stayed home to do a wedding party (congrats Lynzee Chris!!!) and also to be my little brothers confirmation sponsor.  Such an honor!!!  Before Brad left, Braxton wanted to make daddy a picture.  He asked me to write, "I love you dad"  on a piece of paper.  Braxton can write anything if he has an, I write it, but he tells me..."mom, daddy's name starts with a B, not that other letter"(d). So, he asks, " mom, what comes after B,!?"  So, without writing it, I just tell him, and this is what I turn to see!!!!;)
We have definitely missed daddy while he has been gone!!!!!!
Braxton was tired of waiting at the shop for my client, so he started on my hair!
My handsome date for the wedding!!!!!!  Batman tie and all!!
Awe, my little angel;)wehad FUN  dancing!!!!!!!
Congrats Dillon on being confirmed!!!!!
Ready for trick or trunk at school!!!!
A few weeks ago, my friend Sarah got married.....
Myself, the lovely bride, and my pretty friend Kelli!!!  These two gave me some great memories is high school!!!!!!!
Love this girl!!!
We've been slowly skipping a nap here and there when it works for Brad and I to do that.  We do have to "remind" him that when's he gets crabby, he will go to, it's working a little.....
Happy's almost November......HUNTING SEASON!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

A whole lot....

Whole lot of everything going on around here!  Braxton is LOVING preschool!!!   We had our first parent teacher conference!!   I told Brad I would go while I know he's still a good kid, and Brad can go when he's naughty in high school......  He can recognize Bb, Tt, Xx, Cc, Pp, Aa!   It's so cute watching him be able to pick the letters out when he sees the grocery store, church hymnal, the shop, etc!!
So lately, we are I Halloween mode...
He got this from the Humphrey bazaar!  He also won $50!!!   He wants to take Grandpa Bob and his friend Tucker out to eat!   So sweet!!
      My scary little monster!

Super man ran thru the house the other night, and stopped to show off his muscles!
And....he finds it hilarious to wear my pjs!!!
Ad he's at it again....he truly does scare me!   He catches me off guard!!!
Twin day!!!
All about coloring!!!
Just being silly!!
He was all snuggled with his penguin one night...
I had a fun night meeting and Evan came with his mommy to play.  They cuddled themselves up in this chair together, blanket and all, and were watching Mickey Mouse!!
He wanted to practice his letters!!!    So cute!!  I wonder how long his love for school will last....

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Go Red...(for women) Go Blue Uncle Dillon

The Gals I used to work with, invited me to a banquet at divots, called Go Red for Women.  It's a fundraiser and awareness to heart disease in women.   They had great inspirational speakers...even brought a few years to your eyes, (ehhh food), yummy drinks, and what a great time out with the girls!  I am labeled lately as a "homebody" I'm finding little by little, I'm venturing out!  It was so fun to hang out with the girls!!
Braxton is sooooo into Legos!  He made this combine all by himself!  I love his imagination!  He's been hanging his school work all over his walls in his room lately.  I figured it was time to invest in sticky tack, instead of all that tape!  School is going great!   I guess there was a little issue at daycare last week.  Braxton wasn't wanting to enter daycare from are currently working on that...and so far this week is great!   No tears!   For some reason he just really dislikes daycare:( breaks me into pieces that he has to go there....knowing he is so sad there.....
On the upside, Braxton spent the day last week at benders farm!!!  He got to ride in the brand new combine!!!   With a built in fridge!!!  Later, took a ride in the semi!!!!    During all of this...I was at home mowing!!!   I wasn't "allowed" to go someone told me.....  And the best part, he came home with bags full of beans and corn...o yay:(   It makes such a mess in the house, but he loves it!!!!
Uncle Dillon had a GREAT game against clarkson Howells on Monday!   Braxton looks up to him so much...he was excited to take a picture with him...but wondered why he smelled so bad!!!   They won...can't remember the score....18-16 I believe?!  It's awesome to watch Dillon play!!!  ESP because he is such a great player!  I want exactly sports-oriented, so it's fun to watch talent!!!   Go #8!!!!!