O man. Good thing there's a day left in January for me to keep y'all up to date!!!
I started my year off with my most favorite client!!!
This was all the snow we got, so we toom advantage of it! We sleded down to the pond...
For some ice fishing. Once again, mom -0, dad-?, Braxton-13?
That was the largest one;)
We stopped at the shop on our way home, while I chatted with a client, I turned to this.....
Perfect angel!!!!
A-long-time-a-coming!!!! The trim completed the bathroom!!! Braxton was Gene Werners side kick. I think Gene loved it just as much as Braxton!!!
Silly morning before school....riding his pillow pet. With Braxton's hat on...trust me, mornings aren't always this cheerful!!
My shoes had the ambition, along with Braxton, too bad I didn't have it myself!!!
Love my boys!!!!'
"Mom, I'm.not.even. tired!!!!!!" 2 minutes later...yep, I see you aren't tired!!!! Ha
Great grandmas birthday in Creston.
So...Brad got me this for my birthday!!!!!!! What a guy!!!!!! (I may have helped pick it out...load it..and write the check for it....but he agreed to it!!). Made shopping easy for him he said!
Silly super man!!!
Silly mom!!
I can't remember what this face was about?!!
Well....here's the story here. Braxton asked for a bear. I went to get the paper, and he tells me, no, a real bear with needle and thread. Hmmm. Neither of which I have. So, we went and bought, black fabric, red thread, sailor buttons, fishes, and stuffing and here is what we got!!! You can't see it, but he cut out the pocket, I sewed it (if that's what ya call it) and he put the fishes in the pocket. Because bears eat fish you know!!! I have never even sewed a button, so quit judging!!!!!!!
January was busy for us. We were head of our parish fundraiser, fun night. It was. A LOT of time and hours, and hours away from Braxton, but it's over now and I can say we successfully topped all years with over $114,800raised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no taking my smile away!!!!!
I felt bad Braxton was shifted all over for weeks now (to which he enjoyed, but still) so today was HIS day!!! I'll post again with pictures!!!!!!!