Braxton asked for help to make wings. I said when I'm done with dishes. He couldn't wait, and I turned around to this!! He loves to make things, including using tape!!!

He made a zip line for his army guys!!
The newest employee at B & B
Playing a little balloon pop! That's what Braxton thought I should get for my birthday! Isn't he sweet ?!
Another goofy picture.
They got me a DQ ice cream cake!!! Every year they bake me a double layer chocolate cake, except our oven is in our living room due to getting a new floor.....
Grandpa Bob treated us to the circus in Columbus.
Dad went to get popcorn, Braxton told us to stay put, and came back....with a sword and giraffe. Grandpas are the best!!!!
With our table in the garage, this is his new eating area...with mr giraffe.
Braxton has been making all sorts of things! He last made a robot out of himself with a box at Grandpa B.s. Grandpa John has been helping watch Braxton after daycare while we finish up at work and meetings. We are running out of room for these projects.....
Our floor had started to buckle, and after months of waiting, they attempted to install a floor..that ended up being faulty, not once, but twice, and a third time, fourth time was the wrong floor, but the 5th one just may's been a long 2 months....... Hoping it's finished now!! The locking mechanism wasn't going well for the installer, so it's now glued....time will tell, right?! So glad to have my Terrain out of storage, my oven out of my living room, and my kitchen table back inside the house, and my counter tops....well, my counter tops are still a disaster! Who am I kidding?!!!