Hope everyone had a great time trick-0-treating Saturday. We took Braxton around to a few family and friends' houses and then had some trick-0-treaters at our house...There are a lot of pictures...ENJOY!!!
waking up...offering mom his paci:)
...oh someday he won't like this picture...it was his first time in the 'big tub'!
when I put him down to nap he wasn't laying this way...this is how happy he wakes up from nap :)
little monkey and Grandpa B...they are looking so cute at one another!

Little Monkey Braxton, Grandpa John and Grandma Sheri B
Daddy, Mommy and Braxton
Cousin Carson (future NE quarterback) Litttle Monkey Braxton, and Kenna (the nice witch)
Braxton looking like he wants to wear Carson's helmet...
a few of our trick-0-treaters...Minnie (Cousin Charli) and Dinosaur (Cousin Harper)
Sitting so nicely...a dinosaur, minnie mouse, and a monkey!!!
Granma Deb, Harper, Charli, and Braxton...
Braxton, Grandpa Bob, Harper, Gramma Jody, and Charli
Braxton, Granpa, and Harper....the boys were trying to see who could get more fingers in their mouths......
The little monkey and the little dinosaur warming up to one another...sly little grins...they are up to trouble already....
warmed up so well to one another, Braxton decided he could knaw on Harpers head...sorry Harper!!!
...since he couldn't knaw on him anymore he decided he would go for his nose...poor Harper...they may only be 7 weeks apart..but Braxton seems to think seniority rules!!!

Braxton's giving us a "thumbs up" telling us it's okay to go out and leave him with Gma and Gpa:)
Braxton's giving us a "thumbs up" telling us it's okay to go out and leave him with Gma and Gpa:)