*******GO HUSKERS*******
Every good man keeps his cooler is sight...and arms reach:)
He looks like a pretty good foreman I would say!!!
I have been teaching Braxton to give actual kisses, and the only one he will give them to is Brad, and on a slim occasion I will get one, but this morning, he came into the bedroom, with Brad's help he climbed into our bed, gave me a big ol wet kiss on the lips, turned, and gave Brad one too!!! It was the CUTEST thing ever!!! Everyday with him is fun and memories are made, but lately he is really starting to act 'older', I suppose that'll mean the terrible 2's are coming as well. As every kid does....he can do lots, but NEVER is public when you want him to. I swear kids make us parents look like liars! On a good day though, he can 'moo' like a cow, 'sssss' like a snake, 'ruff' like Dozer, as well as say "Do-der", "mommy", EVERYTHING is 'daddy', and he tries so hard to say what you say. This morning I swore he was saying 'manna', go figure, he was reaching at the counter wanting a "Ba-na-na", but I can still pretend he knows my name, right? Well, that was the bragging moment on my son, had to do it:) Hope everyone has a great week!
So glad things are progressing on the yard. Sounds like Braxton is really growing up...hope to get to spend some time with him again soon! Love to all!