It has been a week long of celebrating at our house!!! April 23rd Brad turned the big 3-0! I tried my best to give him a 'surprise' party, and my cover got blown 30mins before...all in all, it was still a BLAST and he was surprised somewhat:) I am thankful it is over...I did A LOT of fibbing...and HATED that! But it was all in good reasoning, right?!?! (keep telling myself that to make me feel better)
Brad really wanted Braxton to have goldfish, so we came home with Terry and I'm sad to say the other mr.goldfish did not get a name...maybe if he would've lived longer than 6 days I would've gotten it named:( Braxton really didn't seem to mind they died!...good thing they are only 30cents, right?!
Uncle Lyle decided to bring the Easter Bunny to Braxton, since he was scared of it at the Easter egg hunt! He sure seemed to enjoy this little bunny! How adorable!
He was so great at coloring the eggs. When I asked him who he wanted to give them to, he replied, "daddy and jerry" Jerry is our neighbor...who is also Braxton's BESTEST buddy!!!
Brad*Nathan Chohon*Keith Reichmuch*Eric Reichmuth*Scott Wegener---Brad's classmates to surprised him at his party...there were a few more that didn't make the photo:) Brad's class is so close! It made Brad's night to have them there...Nate even drove 7 hours!! True Friends!!!
..and Thank You Gene Werner for helping Brad get his first and ONLY 30 pointer!!!
As you can see the Easter Bunny came Sunday morning...a tad too early for Brad!!!! In his defense, his wonderful friends were a little harsh on him with the drinks!!!
Grandpa John helping Braxton find his eggs at Great Aunt Jackies!
So everyone thought I was horrible for having them take this picture and not redo it...this is just how it is with a 2 year old...you win some, you lose some...obviously it was a losing day for photos...
Grandma & Grandpa B stopped by on Braxton's bday to bring him a few presents...
..and the famous Jerry even made it over! He MADE Braxton a box-scraper! AWESOME!!!
For some reason, he thinks his new fishing pole is a GUn.....
Brad, Braxton, and I spent the entire day in Omaha at the Henry Doorly Zoo! He LOVED the animals!!!!!!!!!! LOVED everything about the ZOO! It was SO much fun spending the day with the boys!!!!!!!!!!!
I even got a 'thumbs up'...he was having so much FuN!
...and the next day the party continued...he got his 1st John Deere hat from teh Al Bender Family!!!
...and the gifts just keep on coming...In the mail the day after, his mack truck, trailer and BACKHOE that he SO BADLY was asking for, FINALLY came in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...and it just keeps getting better, he got to drive the tractor with Jerry!!!! We are still hearing all about it!!!***and the big party isn't until Sunday...hope I have enough room for pictures of all his loot he is going to get....*** ReMemBeR people, our house is SMALL!!!!!
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