Never feels like there is enough time... I am a little behind right now on many things in life... I will try and back track our last part of March... Hmm...St.Patty's Day---Braxton got his 1st tattoo:) His lucky clover:) We didn't even party and drink our GREEN beer like we possibly did years ago (heehee), but I did go to play practice...Our town put on a melodrama "Pecos Bill & Slu-foot Sue meet the Dirty Dan Gang"...whew! Quite the title! It was practices every Sunday from Jan-thru March, and ended with multiple practices a week towards the end. For those of you who seen it, I hope you really enjoyed it as much as we did performing it! It was a great cast to work with! I, am NOT an actor, but with a few drinks :) I can pretend to be! I am glad and sad that it's over, but glad to have my Sundays back with my boys!!!
So, Jody has decided that dad needs to eat healthier, and I agree...So she mentioned she doesn't buy ice cream anymore, so my sis and I bought him a homemade ice cream maker for his birthday, and I HAD to buy myself one, too!! We are LOVING it at the Busselman house!!! Oh wow!!! So this picture isn't to show off his combover(where did that come from?!!?!) It is to show you the 'flower' he made us at school! He was SO proud of it when I picked him up:)
We had a Fireman's Supper a few weeks ago, and we made Easter Cupcakes to take...I have such a GREAT helper!!!(FYI--we didn't use the liners that he was playing with on the floor---I SWEAR!)
I KNOW this looks like child-labor or something, but he REALLY TRULY wanted to vacuum! He even CRIED when I told him it was time to shut it off! Now, daily, he wants to 'Keen' with mommy...why, just WHY can't his father want to 'CLEAN'!?!??!?! ......and YEA, that is VICTOR NEWMAN on the t.v. in the backround! Can you believe he is STILL on the Y&R?!?!?!?
...and here we are learning to lick the spatchula when mom got done baking bars!
What do you do when it snows at the end of March?!?!?! You make a SNOWMAN!!! (okay okay, so Brad made the snowman, but I had to go out in the cold and put the eyes/nose/mouth/buttons on! Give me some credit!!!)
REALLY mom?!?!?!? I thought I could HIDE his basketball from him till his birthday...this is the Handsome Smile I got from him when I said he could open it...but he had to say "cheese" first!!! "baset-ball' is his new favorite thing!!! and I MEAN FAVORTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loving John Deere Tractors!!! Can't wait till planting season!!!
...and let me CLARIFY we ARE NOT the parents who let their child in their bed....BUT, one morning around 7am Braxton got up and ate his 'bar' (nutrigrain bars are his fav) as usual, then wanted to go by daddy (who was still in bed--no sense in us both being up, right?!)so, I put him by daddy and figured Brax would be jumping all over him, I went to shower, and this is what I came back to!!! Jealous Mom!!!
Cousin Harper and Charli came for a quick visit one Sunday morning...the boys' hair is identical!!! (...and ya, not sure who's on the t.v in this shot:)
and life is ALWAYS good when "Tay-der" comes to visit! Braxton cried when she left...even wanted to ride in her car!
Braxton had SO MUCH fun playing outside Saturday!!! What a BEAUTIFUL day it was!!!
And happy to announce, this is our new fence!!!!!!!!! It is really coming along!!!!!! The project is getting closer to being done!!!!!!!!
HUGE THANK YOU's to Brad, Lyle, Jerry, and John for doing the fence! I was at work doing prom hair...and it sounded like the guys had a few glitches with the fence...sad to say it was the manufacturer (and not our wonderful helpers), but they got it up and going eventually....
We went with 6 foot, total privacy, well, almost, we may cut a window for the neighbor...ha ha Jerry
Can you tell I'm LOVING it?!?!?!?
..and Grandpa came to check it out that evening...I was hanging with my foot resting on the tools, along with dad, so monkey-see, monkey-do had to do the same!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
Check check check it out, our almost 2 year old can drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great update & pictures, Amanda! Everytime we see Braxton he has learned something fun! Your new fence looks awesome, too! Love you all! XXXOOOPPP