After doing some random things around the shop/house, we took Braxton fishing to the Lindsay Puddle! What FUN!!! He no more than dropped his line in and caught a fish!!! If you ask him how big it was, he will stretch his arms as far as he can and says, 'this big mommy!'...he's got a little story-teller in him:)
Shocked to see he actually wanted to 'pet' it!
...and of course after we got a bucket full, we let them 'go back by their mommies'
...and of course after we got a bucket full, we let them 'go back by their mommies'
I promise he WANTED to wash his big wheel! I think he did quite a good job, too:) Brad was washing the pickup, so monkey see, monkey do!
No no, you aren't wrong, we Do Not live in the country, this is what has been going up and down our alley quite often! Jerry (Klassen) has been working quite a lot on his back yard...See what we started--all by adding a has created multiple projects for the entire neighborhood:) You should see the neighbors turn their heads when this pulls up!!!
Braxton LOVES tractors, but I repeatedly tell him to stay out of the way, and he took it upon himself to go to the far front of the garage, pull up a chair, and patiently wait for Jerry to get done. He was so proud to put his JD boots back on yesterday! Looks like fall is nearing!!!
Braxton has been big into counting everything lately, repeating (or mockin me as I call it!), asking what color EVERYTHING is, and his newest thing--when Brad and I are having a conversation, he will wait till we are done and say..."what you guys talking about"..or "what you say mommy to daddy"...looks like we are going to have to watch what we say...not that we are ever inappropriate:)
Church Saturday Night:
(keep in mind, this was after the fair!)
The setting---5 minutes into church when it is dead silent...
Braxton:"mommy, do you have sheep poop on you?"
Mom: "shhhh Braxton!!!!"
Braxton: "but mommy, do you have sheep poop on you???"
Mom: BEAT RED IN FACE!!! "no buddy!"
10 minutes later he starts to talk a little...
Brad slightly turns his head towards the front and shh's him..
Braxton: "mommy, daddy pulled my ear!!"
Mom: "shh braxton, it's okay"
another 5 minutes...
Braxton: " I see Papa John Mommy!!!"
and papa John thought this was pretty neat as you can imagine!
Oh what will he say next!!!????
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