Monday, April 30, 2012

Turning 3 all weekend...

Braxton had a blast Friday on his birthday!!  He got to take treats to school!!!  He was so excited, I had to remind him to kiss me goodbye when I dropped him off:)
(Pardon my unorganized pictures..they loaded weird on me....)
We took Braxton to the zoo on Sunday.  I think it is our new tradition.  He REALLY wanted to see Cheetas!  But, was a little scared, so to see them we hopped on the train and did a drive by.  He LOVED the train so much, and was a little sad to have to get off...
 Our silly monkey on the ape.  I told him to smile, and this is what I got:)
 I was surprised at how much he liked the butterflies!!!  He was pointing to a purple one! 
 the silly fat penguins, as Braxton put it:)
 He was anxious to see monkeys!!!  They were holding their babies, it was sooo cute!
 Brad found a battery for our 4wheeler we had...he LOVED this!!!  His 'brain bucket' as him and his father call it, is from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Jody.  It also came with a 'ding-bell' as he says..he put that on his bike!
 Shooting his new bow and arrow from Grandma Deb...this thing could be trouble  ( just's plastic nerf)
 I told him to give everyone at his party a hug before he opened his presents...and he DID!!!  I just thought this was so adorable of these 2!!!  That's Harper, his cousin...7 weeks younger than Brax!  he's a big boy who wears boxers!!!{and is sooo proud of them}
 the big boyz table...Uncle Lyle*Brad*Uncle Jesse*Braxton
{none of them are REALLY his uncles:)}
 At the strong request of an almost 3 year old, this is his SANTA MICKEY cake!  I didn't realized until I was downloading the pictures, that he was helping hold his sweet:)
 Chillin' the night of his birthday!
 We got him this cute little picnic table that I believe he will outgrow tomorrow...oops!
 I thought this pic was funny...look at him dashing to me to open another present!
 Happy Birthday--early morning...
 Braxton's NEW BED he picked out!!!  And his new thomas sheets he also picked out (against my wanting..but hey, I gave in)  All them toys in the head board are from the Widhalm's and he HAD to put them there and will not let me move them!!!  They belong there he says:)
 These 2 cheezeballs had a giggling good time sitting there eating.  He ate really well with an older cousin as a good example!
 Our Mickey Mouse cream filled chocolate cupcakes!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

3 years ago...

 It is SOOO hard to believe that 3 years has gone by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This was our very first look at our new wonderful little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The new family of 3!!! 
We love you so much Braxton!! 
 Someday when you look back at this blog book I hope you see how much joy and laughter you have brought to our lives, and many others!! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Born to be WILD

 I love this picture!!!  My Dad has the biggest smirk on his face while Braxton couldn't stop saying CHEESE!!!!
 At the very end on the alley you can just see them.   It was too cute watching this!!!
 They even go to see "the other grandpa" while they were cruzing..Braxton is in for a fun ridin' summer.  Grandpa John just got a new 4 wheeler...whew!!  We all agree he's safer on 4 wheels;)
I personally think that Brad is missing his motorcycle on days like this....

Oh Lady...

 Aunt Kelly and Braxton went bug catching Sunday morning...we now have this beautiful lady bug in or home:)  And it better remain in this container!!!
 If you look closely to the center of the photo...under the stick....see it...????
 My little turkey hunter!!  "daddy got one, but not me:(" he said...
But he did come home with this new skidloader.  Now we only have 3!!!  It's Braxton's birthday Month I guess you could say!  He got a jeep, trailer and motorcycle last week with his dad, this yesterday...hmmm...and who spoils him?!?!?!  Brad's birthday is tomorrow, the 23rd, Braxton wants to get him a tractor!  I'm telling you, he's got it all figured out:)

Hope everyone had a great Sunday!  Brad and Braxton planted some things in the garden while I mowed in the wind....ugh!  Hate the wind!!!  But love that summer days are near!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Watching t.v. a princess comes on the screen,
Braxton says: "oh mom, she is beautiful!"
Mom: "she sure is"
Braxton: "mom, is she a princess because she listens to her mommy?"
Mom: "she sure is! Do you listen to your mommy?"
Braxton: "yep mom. sure do. welllll......sometimes mom. not all the time. but that's okay, right mom???"
Mom: "oh Braxton. you should always listen to your mom."
Braxton: "yep mom. and dad, too cuz he's the boss. right mom?!"
no comment!!!
Walking today..
Mom:" hurry up buddy, we gotta get to the store to get our blocks."
Braxton: "oh mommy, you mean the menards store??!"
Mom: "yep, that's the one."
At Bathtime last night...
( I was trimming his over due toenails!!!)
Braxton:" mom, the new boy at daycare, you know the one with the triangle shape head that sits in the green chair mom, he cut my toes with his finger. who is he mom????"
I apologize if this is your child my son is talking about, I'm sure he's adorable!!! I just found it funny that he knows that faces have shapes! And in his defense, there is a new (i sure hope this mom doesn't read my blog!)
Mr. Handy man
Going to be a great summer of fishing!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Backyard-agains...What do you do when the weather is beautiful in March?! DUH! You get a dumptruck full of sand delivered!!!Trying to 'toughen up' Braxton's feet...going shoeless whenever possible!(Does that make you happy Ashley?! haha)
Neither of my boys can get enough of the skid loader rides...
Great way to end a hard night of work...push ups for the kiddos and "juice" for us adults:)
Braxton's bud Isiah, moved away, so we had a little play date before he left. These 2 were hilarious together!!!
It was a briefing of having twins for the evening...YIKES!!
We are in love with this sleeping bag...
Last year they all did much better with this Easter Egg Hunt photo...Brad*Braxton*Leon*Logan
YAY!!! An egg!!!
Grandpa Bob brought him a little Easter treat...and grabbed a hair cut while he was there:)
Don't make fun...but Braxton got his first ice cream cone...did ya'll know the cones come in colors?!?!?
Good Friday...late afternoon, we got a call from daycare that Braxton had a fever..I got to daycare to pick him up and he came running, shouting.."momma, I'm sick, I'm sick"...oh nice... through the night he got up to 104.3, and kept a fever through Saturday, and it finally went away when he woke up Easter morning. (whew!) So, decorating eggs wasn't that great for him, but he tried to be cheerful...
..think we averaged 20 drops of food coloring per bowl...
he awoke from nap to a surprise from the neighbors!!! What a treat!!! He is SOOO spoiled by them!!!
Don't mind his jammies that he is in...he really didn't feel well, but I thought the fresh air may do him some good...this is him hopping like a bunny!!!
We each got a square decorated...
You can tell he is sick...there are blankets everywhere around him in all these pictures:( He wanted to leave the bunny carrots!
Against my will...the Easter Bunny brought this sponge bob basket. (Sponge bob is not allowed at our house!) When he found it in the morning, he went yelling, 'Ahhh....I have been looking in EVERY store for this!!!!!!!!!" ??? Silly kid!
..and a firetruck basket full of goodies
Emptying out his loot!!!H A P P Y E A S T E R !!!Look at that back yard coming together!!! I spent many hours putting sand down...leveling...and laying blocks and river rock...oh, wait, Brad drove the skid loader around...I can't take all the credit:)I can't really explain this...other than Peeping Braxton!!! " Grandpa puts in sprinklers, I wonder if he will notice.......nope, he didn't notice me yet....I made it!!! I'm like a monkey on his back!!!"Braxton made this cute froggy at daycare! I LLLOOOVVVEEE it!!!