What do you do when the weather is beautiful in March?! DUH! You get a dumptruck full of sand delivered!!!
Trying to 'toughen up' Braxton's feet...going shoeless whenever possible!(Does that make you happy Ashley?! haha)
Neither of my boys can get enough of the skid loader rides...
Great way to end a hard night of work...push ups for the kiddos and "juice" for us adults:)
Braxton's bud Isiah, moved away, so we had a little play date before he left. These 2 were hilarious together!!!
It was a briefing of having twins for the evening...YIKES!!
We are in love with this sleeping bag...
Last year they all did much better with this Easter Egg Hunt photo...Brad*Braxton*Leon*Logan
YAY!!! An egg!!!
Grandpa Bob brought him a little Easter treat...and grabbed a hair cut while he was there:)
Don't make fun...but Braxton got his first ice cream cone...did ya'll know the cones come in colors?!?!?
Good Friday...late afternoon, we got a call from daycare that Braxton had a fever..I got to daycare to pick him up and he came running, shouting.."momma, I'm sick, I'm sick"...oh nice... through the night he got up to 104.3, and kept a fever through Saturday, and it finally went away when he woke up Easter morning. (whew!) So, decorating eggs wasn't that great for him, but he tried to be cheerful...
..think we averaged 20 drops of food coloring per bowl...
he awoke from nap to a surprise from the neighbors!!! What a treat!!! He is SOOO spoiled by them!!!
Don't mind his jammies that he is in...he really didn't feel well, but I thought the fresh air may do him some good...this is him hopping like a bunny!!!
We each got a square decorated...
You can tell he is sick...there are blankets everywhere around him in all these pictures:( He wanted to leave the bunny carrots!
Against my will...the Easter Bunny brought this sponge bob basket. (Sponge bob is not allowed at our house!) When he found it in the morning, he went yelling, 'Ahhh....I have been looking in EVERY store for this!!!!!!!!!" ??? Silly kid!
..and a firetruck basket full of goodies
Emptying out his loot!!!
H A P P Y E A S T E R !!!
Look at that back yard coming together!!! I spent many hours putting sand down...leveling...and laying blocks and river rock...oh, wait, Brad drove the skid loader around...I can't take all the credit:)
I can't really explain this...other than Peeping Braxton!!!
" Grandpa puts in sprinklers, I wonder if he will notice....
...nope, he didn't notice me yet....
I made it!!! I'm like a monkey on his back!!!"
Braxton made this cute froggy at daycare! I LLLOOOVVVEEE it!!!
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