Sunday, August 26, 2012

All in Random

 Hope everyone had a great weekend!  We started Friday Night off a little different than our norm'.  We grilled out with some friends, and then headed back to daycare at 9PM!!  They had a movie fundraiser, "Alvin and the Chipmunks!"  It was SOOO adorable to watch Braxton play upfront with his friends, while us moms sat back and watched them!  There were many door prizes when we entered, one of which was a rocket that Braxton wanted sooooo badly (to say the least!!)  So, Grandpa Bob had given Braxton money earlier that day after daycare to go buy a snack, and he was to donate the rest at daycare...inwhich he did!  (Thanks Gpa) So, about 12 times thru the movie, Braxton would sneak back by me to see if I thought he would win the rocket..after a dozen times I finally told him I would buy him one if he would just stop asking!(great parenting, I know!) So, movie's over, heading out as they drew the first door prize winner...well, can you all guess what happened next......BRAXTON WINNER!!!!!!!!!   I cannot even BEGIN to put into words how EXCITED, OVERWHELMED, THRILLED, ANXIOUS, HAPPY this little boy was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To me it appeared as if he just won the lotto:)  So, lucky $10, hoping next time Gpa will give him a $100 and see what happens:)
Saturday we attempted to go to my niece, Charli's soccer game.  So far, we are 2/2 of rain cancelling her games, AFTER we are already in town:(  Braxton has just been so sad, I can't even imagine how bummed Charli is:( 
Saturday night we attended the Whitetails Unlimited banquet with a group of friends...I was 3rd left standing out of 12 before I lost the chance at the BIG prize of the night...Guess I'm not lucky like Lil Man:)
Sunday we helped my dad move into his new house in town!  I think Braxton is the most excited!!  He even has his own room there! 
Tonight we went to the firemans picnic...sad to say I didn't take a single picture...
Although, I did FINALLY upload my phone enjoy the random shots!
 Braxton at the bazaar a few weeks ago, would only ride in this car!!!
 Braxton was halfway on the board in this pic, flirting with his summer babysitter, Amber...
 Swimming to the edge after jumping off the board!!!  WAY TO GO BRAX!!!
 Filling some BIG shoes of his daddy's at the firehall one random night!!!
 A few weeks ago at the car races!
 When my sister's kids were here, after they brush their teeth, this is how they drink...Braxton has done it ever since!
 On our way home from the cancelled soccer was raining outside, so of course we needed the umbrella up inside!
I came across this from my phone pics...Look how little he looks!!!
Hope everyone has  a GREAT start to the week:)

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