Sunday, September 19, 2010

...And so it begins...
It wasn't too long ago that Braxton was 'attached' to mommy and Brad's comment was, "Don't get used to it", and so he was right!!! Brad cannot leave Braxton's sight, and when he does, it makes for a very sad little boy:( That leads to our next problem...Hunting Season!! Brad has this idea that a 17month old can go deer hunting for a weekend!!! He's crazy, right?!! While I think it would be adorable, and fun for them both, selfishly, I CANNOT go that long without my little man!!!(meaning Braxton of course:) I think it is time that I realize this may be my last 'hunting season' with Braxton at home with me. We have agreed that once he is poddy trained, then he can go! (MAYBE) I suppose that will be just around the corner as well...a task that I am not quite ready to, all you parents, if you got poddy training advice, we are all ears!!!
Okay Okay, while I am saddened that he wants to take him deer hunting, I am not that big of a fun hater...I realize the day will come, so I got Braxton the 'gear' to get him prepped...

Totally reminds me of the 'Christmas Story' movie...he really was able to move well in this though:)
I'm not sure how well you can see this, but when I blew this picture up the boy's eyes are EXACTLY the same color...ahh, another traight from his father...I SWEAR someday he will resemble something from me:(

Sunday, September 12, 2010

*******GO HUSKERS*******
Saturday the 'guys' worked on the yard again...they got the footing poured and re-bar(not sure how to spell that..but it looks good to me)all put in, and next will be the forms need set up and poured. THANK YOU THANK YOU to the guys!!! It will make my mowing so much easier once this is done, and Braxton will have such a fun yard to play in!!!
Every good man keeps his cooler is sight...and arms reach:)
He looks like a pretty good foreman I would say!!!

...and Braxton even tried to help!!!
This is the progress after may not look like much to you, but it's PROGRESS to us:)

Braxton has been OBSESSED with cowboy boots lately. These are actually Brad's boots from when he was 2!!!
We have upgraded from riding in the little laundry the big hamper!!! He loves to help with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that we are doing!!!

Mr Independent feeds himself for every meal and SCREAMS when you try to help was a pretty big bite of jello, but he managed:)
I have been teaching Braxton to give actual kisses, and the only one he will give them to is Brad, and on a slim occasion I will get one, but this morning, he came into the bedroom, with Brad's help he climbed into our bed, gave me a big ol wet kiss on the lips, turned, and gave Brad one too!!! It was the CUTEST thing ever!!! Everyday with him is fun and memories are made, but lately he is really starting to act 'older', I suppose that'll mean the terrible 2's are coming as well. As every kid does....he can do lots, but NEVER is public when you want him to. I swear kids make us parents look like liars! On a good day though, he can 'moo' like a cow, 'sssss' like a snake, 'ruff' like Dozer, as well as say "Do-der", "mommy", EVERYTHING is 'daddy', and he tries so hard to say what you say. This morning I swore he was saying 'manna', go figure, he was reaching at the counter wanting a "Ba-na-na", but I can still pretend he knows my name, right? Well, that was the bragging moment on my son, had to do it:) Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Enjoying a glass of milk and cookies with daddy:)

Braxton and Mommy being silly:)

Braxton was all geared up for the Football game Friday night...sad to report we lost:(
Since it was Labor Day Weekend, we decided to labor in the yard! We are ripping out our basketball court,(sorry Brad, you'll have to shoot hoops somewhere else) and we are putting up a retaining wall...NOT FUN!!! We got Dad here all afternoon Sunday to start the project!
The '3' hard workers...I was busy taking pictures:)
Who would've thought?!?! Braxton rode with Grandpa for an hour in this excavator!!!! There is a little buddy seat in there that he fit 'o-so-good' in:) THANKS Grandpa for the fun ride!!!

I know you are all thinking that this looks like so much interested in helping pour footings, set up forms, and poor cement, CALL US!!!!! ha

Braxton found himself a "horse"!! We hear from so many people that Braxton looks just like his cousin Carson...what do you think?! I just hope he isn't as awnry as his cousin:)

Look who found mom's shoes!!