Monday, October 18, 2010

ANIMALS are our new friends!!! Braxton has been so attached to taking stuffed animals to bed every night...hey, whatever will help him sleep better we are all for it!!!!!!!! I believe we are up to 7 puppies, one horse, a giraffe, 6 teddy bears, one kitty, a lamb, and the BIG duck! Don't worry everyone, I take them all out as he falls asleep! He looks scared in this picture, but that is his 'PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY ANIMALS' away from me look!Braxton got to monkey around with Grandpa over the weekend...
Brad spent the entire weekend bringing in dirt and leveling is coming together a little more each weekend...good thing because I believe our nice weekends are coming to an end!
Grandpa takes lots of breaks from working on the yard...I am pretty sure he comes just to come inside and play!
We spent our weekend 'monkey-ing' around inside...away from the work!
...and this is what happens when friends let inexperienced friends drive skidloaders.:)
(skid loader being unstuck with the tow truck)
After bringing in many loads of dirt with the tractor, we got the dumptruck, which brought in over 25 loads of dirt...and we will STILL need more!
WANTED: FREE dirt....Please call 920-3529 :)
This gives you a good idea of what the yard is looking like. We will need to add quite a bit more dirt after this settles, but for now, it's coming to an end!

What you cannot see is Braxton riding along with a very large smile:)

1 comment:

  1. the yard looks nice! the kids will have so much fun playing back there in all the wide open space!!
