Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So many excuses for not blogging lately...but I won't bore you with details of that:)
We have been enjoying summer to the FULLEST!!! 
Let's back track a ways...
Braxton got a new swingset, or "park" as he calls it:)  It called for 2 men/5-10 hours of labor...3 weeks later...NO!! I'm just kidding:)  Brad pretty much did it himself, with the help of a few drinking friends...(who drank while he worked:), I was not one of them...HA!  It was up within days!
Do any of you remember this lovely poop brown blazer Brad adored through high school?!  Well, look out, I believe it's back on the insurance card:)   This was the start of the park project...Braxton wanted to know if it was going to be like he park where "Gene Werner" works, or the "dirty park" let me explain....  Gene is remodeling a house, which is next to the park, and the other one is across the highway and has we shy away from that 'dirty park"...Oh the things we tell our kids, right?!  Or..the things I tell mine;)
 Not sure if you can see, but Braxton had to get his tools out, too:)
...and here is Brad on the trash can!  Braxton caught a lady bug, and named him  Brad:)  Since then, we now have another lady bug named Amanda, 2 frogs, Brad and Braxton, and a caterpillar, Marty, and a lightening bug, called Nobody:)
Camping inYankton over Memorial Day, Braxton had a blast chasing Brandon Werner.  I love how Braxton calls everyone by their first/last name!
Braxton also REALLY took  a liking to Brandon's gf, Laura:)  I believe by the end of the weekend, Braxton had told Laura he liked her the best...
Enjoying the park with Sue and Daddy
 Well, does this really need explaining?!  This is one of his favorite things to do camping because he can "do it all by myself mommy!!" and is so proud!!  He isn't always tall enough for some toilets on his own!  You would have to be crazy to not find this adorable!!!
 Discussing their master plan on how to roast marshmallows...or where to throw the pinecones in...not sure which pic this was...

Look at this awnry face!  He was a MESS by the time I finished power washing the pickup!!
Story Time
We were camping over Mother's Day weekend and I went to the shower house to shower...only to find the water ICE COLD!!!  I wrapped my towel around me and stormed back to the camper mummbling to Brad that the water was 'freakin dam cold' Braxton really wasn't close by..I thought absolutely nothing of it!!
3 weeks later, we are camping again..I come back from the shower house (inwhich it was WARM) and Braxton sat in the camper playin toys, did not even look up at me as he sweetly in the softest voice said, "mommy?? how was your freekin dam cold shower?"  Ummm...without hesitation Brad says, "What did you say?"  He sweetly replies with, "Oh, I was just asking Mommy how her freekin dam cold shower was".... AHHH...don' worry, we did tell him that he, nor mommy should say those words....
Traveling camping, Aunt Kelly rode with us, and Braxton told her that he 'is like a sponge'...This child does NOT miss anything!!!
Yesterday, while picking up corn/beans Braxton dropped a handful, and with that, I heard "oh God".  The look on my face must've told Braxton he said something wrong,because he quickly said, "I mean..." and I cut him off by telling him we only say that name when we are praying....he quickly cut me off, as he put his hands out, and said, " I knooow mommmmyyy, I wasn't finished talking, I was just saaaaying 'dear God, thank you for the food we are going to eat later'  that's what I was going to say mom"....WELL!!!  Put me in my place please!!!:)  Little Stinker!!!
And the "yeabit"....everything sentence this week has started out with a "yea, but..." and he talks so fast, I laugh at his 'yeabit'....

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